Map to Map: From SLAM to CAD Maps and Back Using Generative Models

In Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), good quality maps could play an important role beyond the implicit benefits they have to the localization problem. For example, good quality SLAM maps could be used as `pre-maps' for generating maps …

FastSLAM Implementation + D* Algorithm

Vision and Robotics Lab, AUB

Since I joined the Vision and Robotics Lab, my research with Prof. Daniel Asmar and Ms. Rema Daher was focused on simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) – mainly on improving the current multiple mapping algorithms.

A Novel Method For Map Alignment Assessment Using Synthetic Displacement Fields

In the era of autonomous robot mapping, assessing the goodness of the generated maps is important, and is usually performed by first aligning them to blueprints and then calculating the displacement error. Accuracy of map alignment is also critical …